Monday, January 13, 2014

Clothes, Styling, & Other Nonsense

Hello All! Please take a moment to check out the new tab on my home page called Styling. My husband cleans, messes with the dogs, or plays soccer during his downtime so I get very bored and also this is something I'm incredibly passionate about and love doing, so use me please! (I'm free)

Be prepared for more fashion posts on this here blog, but probably not very many pictures of me in my outfits, you're welcome very much. If you have any requests for items to be found, Pinspiration posts, inspiration of any kind, let me know so I can use it for blog posts!

On that same note, starting today, I'm going to do a 30 Day Closet Remix taht I keep seeing all over the place on Instagram. I decided to participate after I caught myself spending $50 at Forever21 online. There were two things I wanted from my sale but I ended up buying EIGHT things to rack it up to $50 in order to get free shipping and one of the things is leggings with elephants on it and no one needs that, do they? So I caught myself doing that and then thought to myself, self, what are you doing?! Stop buying shit you don't need! So the 30 Day Closet Remix is just you shopping out of your closet only, putting together new outfits with what you've already got. If you want to participate, use #30DayClosetRemix on Instagram and we can always make it a link up if we want.

So that's all my nonsense for now. What's up with you guys?

Just because.


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