Last week was my birthday! I'm officially 31. Which somehow seems so much older than 30. Time to get my shit together? Nah, that's for your 40's...
We had a pretty low key birthday since I had to work that day and the day after.
The night of my actual birthday, I celebrated home alone with some wine and pizza while Mike played soccer. Just me, wine, and trashy was pretty good.
My awesome husband made me homemade cheesecake. it doesn't look like much, but it was crazy delicious. Why the hell did I ever buy grocery store cheesecake? His is wayyy better. And, yes, I took a couple bites before the picture...
We drank some champs with our cheesecake of course.
The dogs didn't care that it was my birthday, they just wanted some cheesecake.
Saturday, we ventured off to Fredericksburg for some shopping and eating.
We had lunch at
Bistro Bethem and it was DELICIOUS. This is my "I've had a shitload of champagne with my delicious lunch" face.
This is Mike's "I ordered an appetizer, salad, main course, dessert, and tons of wine and I'm still not full" face. Also, major husband points for switching entrees with me when I liked his better.
After lunch and some more shopping, we were in the car headed to find a local winery and Mike pointed out that we were only 15 minutes away from my dad and step-mom's house. So we decided to just show up because why not. Thankfully, they didn't mind and we ended up hanging out, taking them to a tasty dinner, and even staying the night. Now I could go on a tangent about how I told Mike 40 times to stop ordering more glasses of wine so we could drive home that night and he didn't listen to me and we had to spend the night with no pjs, or preparation and then he woke up at like 2:00am and felt really guilty. But you know, I won't. :) It actually turned out be really fun and if you spur of the moment spend the night at my step-mom's house, she makes you fancy french toast for breakfast with bourbon peaches displayed all pretty like. So yeah, worth it!
All in all it was another great birthday and I'm not totally freaked out about getting older. I have started using an exfoliator brush thingy on my face every night and old lady moisturizer, but I also still sometimes eat cheesecake for breakfast so it all evens out, right?