Here's some other random stuff.
This blog post made me happy.
I cannot get this song out of my head and it's one of those ones where I can actually sing it pretty well which makes me love it even more. (I am fully aware how behind in the times I am posting this, but I haven't had a car to drive in 7 months and therefore listened to no music for 7 months so....)

I'm drinking a Patricia Anne right now (yeah our no alcohol to lose weight didn't stick...shocker). I'm pretty sure I've posted this recipe before, but it's really that good.
I'm wondering if anyone really really likes their job or if everyone just kind of hates it, but does what they have to do. I've been pondering that lately. Also, I really like to say the word pondering.
Needing to do this. But. Just. Can't.

I got to tour this beauty today. And oh man, do I want to live in this thing. So gorgeous.

Currently on the 5th book and have about 20% left and I'm dreading finishing it because the next one isn't out yet and oh man am I a nerd, but the books are soooo good.

I am still addicted to the song Cups! It will never get old!