The mo-in-law was here all last week and I've been working full time including the world's longest work day ever for our giant concert on Friday so I've been going through internet/blogging withdrawals. I'm back! (No one cares) I luckily got the 4th off of work so my dad and his fiance came to hang out with us all and we took a day trip to
Historic St. Mary's City. Which, if you live in this area, you should definitely do. It's BEAUTIFUL and so full of history and I thought I would hate the people dressed up in colonial garb, but I kind of loved them. Just do it on a day that isn't so hot, okay?
Here are some pictures from our lovely (sweaty) day. This is a super picture heavy post and Mike was a little obsessed with the butterflies. You've been warned.
Don't you just want to picnic here right now?! |
Oh this guy...he's the cutest. |
My dad doesn't hate us as much as he looks like he does in this picture... |
This is definitely a more accurate representation of us than the prior picture. Weirdos. |
So they shot fake cannons out of this awesome boat and they were LOUD. The best part was I was startled all 5 times even though I knew they were fake and knew they were coming and birds with nests right in front of this didn't give a crap. Balls of steel those birds. |
I was not aware my hair looked like this all day. Hmph. |
Am I supporting him or attempting to pus him off? We'll never know... |
Instead of warning me that I was standing right next to this, Mike waited until I walked away and then took pictures of it. Thanks hun. |
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