A Letter To My Fellow Patrons of Stater Bros - This post still makes me laugh every time I read it. This was one of my first blog posts from way back when I was unemployed (for the first time) in 2009 and spent my days grocery shopping for my mom and Mike and apparently cracking myself up on the internet.

Engaged - Our engagement story. Still one of the greatest days ever even though I'm pretty sure our engagement is super unromantic compared to most people's it's so perfectly us; I love it.

Some Well Placed Capers - our wedding ceremony words by John, our officiant. Make me weepy every time I read them. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

The Big Day - a post all about our wedding.
Baby Flu - when baby fever gets overrun by fear and the overwhelming feeling that you should not be allowed to procreate.
Happy Yellow Cardigan - my first real outfit post. Oh man I miss my bangs...
Pretty Housewife - some of my prettiest outfit photos ever. Pretty proud of taking these myself. Also, how shiny are our counter tops?!

My Boys - just a regular day with my husband and dogs. I love this post because I love those darn boys so much and I miss our little house and backyard.

Soccstars - because who doesn't want to look at 8 million pictures of my husband being a soccer stud?!
Full Circle - because a story about me sharing ice cream with my dogs from the same spoon just about sums me up perfectly.

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