Monday, February 4, 2013


My unemployment claim appeal was approved (huzzah!)
I went to the gym despite my bad mood
I wondered how women ride those bikes while wearing thongs
Then I wondered if I'm the only girl who wears a thong to the gym
My corgi actually pooped without it taking an hour of wandering around
I made cookies
I enjoyed some tomato soup and a grilled of my all time fave meals
I got a rejection letter from a job I really wanted
I applied for 7 new jobs
Some of which I don't want
But, what's an unemployed girl to do
I felt much better about blogging after yesterday's post, blogging friends' responses, and an e-mail from a blogging ideal of mine (blidol??)

My husband is making waffles
And there's a giant pear in the fridge calling my name

Today wasn't so bad I guess.
(See, I'm not always whiny...)


  1. Yay for unemployement! Boo for not getting the job you wanted. The right job WILL come along. I believe!
