Monday, December 17, 2012

Why I'm Starting To Love Living Here

Yesterday was a crap ball of a day.
I was FUSSY.
For no good reason.
Just woke up in a stanky mood.
Proceeded to do jack crappity for the majority of the day.
Even stayed home while Mike ran to the gym and ran home.
(Fun fact, I told him that would be too far, he said it would be fine, he ended up wanting to die on the way home.  I felt slightly vindicated.  Still felt lazy though, vindicated or not.)
The difference, however, to being in a stanky mood here and being in a stanky mood back where we used to live is that we were able to rally our day by going over the bridge to Solomons Island, enjoying the view, doing some shopping, and having a much needed beer at the brewery.
I'm not a big water person, but for some reason once we get over the bridge (I hate bridges...big irrational fear going on there) I just get so happy looking out at the water and the beautiful homes and boats.
Walking around, holding hands with Mike, pointing out our dream homes, and finding little restaurants we can't wait to try is the perfect way to rally a stanky mood.
It worked.
(The beer helped a lot)


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