Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On Being A Stay At Home Wife

So, since we've moved here I've been unemployed.
It hasn't even been two weeks yet.
I'm so bored, you guys.
We moved here with one car.
Which Mike takes to work every day.
So I am home alone, with no car.
All day.

In my head I may have thought, Yeah!  This will be awesome!
I'll be home all day, I can relax and do DIY projects and cook.
Whatever I want!
But that is not the reality.

In reality, when you are home alone all day with no kids and no car, you have zero motivation.
And there is ALWAYS a season of real housewives on tv.
And chips and guacamole to eat.
And pugs to cuddle.

So you become a lazy ball of laziness.

Which Mike keeps telling me to enjoy because I'll never have it again.

But it's boring, you guys.

Yesterday I made spaghetti.
That's all I did.

Today, I painted my toe nails.
And watched like 40 episodes of The Office.

I'm the worst.

And I think my pug is officially sick of me...

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel! I left my 120/hr a week job in corporate law in nyc to move to Australia with my (now husband) Australian boy and spent TWO YEARS not working. What I originally thought would be the cat's meow (no work for two years! in beautiful Australia!) turned out to be an incredibly boring, isolating thing if I didn't put a LOT of effort into seeking out things to do. I found that volunteering my time, taking online classes, and exploring on foot really helped! (And now we're in Boston and I'm back to work and oh how I would KILL to have that time back!) And hopefully you'll have a fantastic new job to look forward to soon...!
