Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I haven't been around the blog much lately.
I've been working late, packing, booking hotels, stressing out, and you know trying not to burst into tears or scream at my husband every minute of the day.
We move in 10 days.
That has not yet sunk in.
It's too fast.
There's too much to do.
I'm going to be unemployed in 7 days.
Looking for a job.
Short on money.
Stressed out.
And probably chubby.
(I haven't gone to the gym in weeks guys, not cute)
So yeah, stuff here is not really blog worthy.

Fun fact though dear readers:  Did you know that a 14ft Uhaul to drive across country costs 3,600 dollars?
And there are no pet friendly hotels in the town of Weatherford, Oklahoma?
And that you should have finished all your past due work BEFORE the new girl you have to train showed up because you will not have time again afterwards?
And no matter how much you like to talk (like me) training someone all day makes your throat hurt?
And finally, moving across the country is stressful!
I'll stop whining soon.
Here is a picture of my dog without a stress in the world to cheer us up.


  1. I really like your writing style and the fact that you incorporate so many images into your posts. I hope your move went well, and that you are all settled in your new home :).

    PS. I nominated you for the Liebster Award:
