Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scenes From The Anniversary

We always start out events like this with the best intentions of taking tons of pictures.
You may even notice the camera remote in the margarita picture.
But then I drank that margarita.
And its recipe is 3 shots of alcohol plus a splash o' lime juice.
After that, taking pictures is the last thing on your mind.
But I always have my trusty instagram and I managed to capture some pictures (mostly food) of our first anniversary together.
It was perfectly me and Mike: quiet, simple, tasty, with a little bit of Harry Potter at the end.
Anniversary cake because Mike ate all of our leftover wedding cake the day after the wedding.  Red velvet with cream cheese frosting (just like our wedding cake) by Balsam Street Bakery.

Hub surprised me with flowers, simple, store bought, our wedding colors...he did good.


Did you know you get presents just for staying married a whole year?

We killed that sucker.


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